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Filigree Fine Silver Filler Wire


26 gauge sold in 5 foot lengths

28 gauge sold in 2 foot lengths

Orders with Russian filigree wire, including kits may take up to 72 hours to process. Read shipping details.

Don’t have a rolling mill? Purchase ready-made frame and filler wire.

Russian Filigree Filler Wires are made from fine silver wire and are personally milled by Victoria to ensure their perfect proportions and ease of use.

Filigree filler wire is made one batch at a time by the method described in the DVD. Each batch is tested to ensure that it will work easily. Because it is handmade, there may be variation in the appearance of different batches. If you plan on making a very large piece, you may want to purchase more than one batch so that there will be almost no difference in the filler wires’ appearance when lying side by side in the frame.

How well filigree wire is made and having it made from fine silver are absolutely critical to forming successful shapes, especially if forming sculptural filigree.

Some of the most common mistakes that can make filigree frustrating are using sterling to make it and not twisting the wire enough prior to milling. Victoria’s Russian Filigree Filler Wire is the only commercially available filigree wire made from fine silver and twisted enough to curve perfectly.


26g, 28g

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