Crafting an Artful Life: Imaginative Musings on Creativity

Mitzi and me

Our Pain

There is a nostalgia movement going on in American and British culture for which I’m 20 years too late. People for whom Ozzy and Hariette or Leave It to Beaver might have been some vague notion of aspirational, which is to say white, middle class folks of a conservatively conforming nature, look longingly at a…

Become Part of the Giving Voice Project
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Become Part of the Giving Voice Project

Giving Voice is a multimedia ebook and print book about the connections we form. We’re frequently told that life and success are about relationships. What always strikes me is the astoundingly ephemeral and fragile interconnectedness that makes such relationships possible. It is from these contemplations that the project, Giving Voice, was formed. It is a collection of…