New Work

snagmetalsmith Our Member Monday artist is Victoria Lansford!
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Join Me Live on Instagram @snagmetalsmith this Wednesday @6pm EDT

I’ll be the Society of North American Goldsmith’s “Monday Member” featured artist – yes, on Wednesday! On @snagmetalsmith (not my IG account, theirs). September 15, 2021 at 6:00 PM Eastern Time Ok, so here’s the big secret, the one only you, my dear readers get to find out about. Ready? Sitting down? Ok, here goes….

Caran d'Ache watercolor pencils - Victoria Lansford
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The Drawing feeling of Hiraeth

One of my new favorite words is Hiraeth [hee-REY-eth], a Welsh word that I learned this past spring. Hiraeth lacks an exact English counterpart. It refers to the a yearning for or missing of a space or geography. It comes with a mixture of wistfulness, sadness, grief, and nostalgia for an ideal place of the…

Orion Micro TIG welding sculptural Filigree in Victoria Lansford's online class
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From Mummies to Filigree – VoyageATL + Upcoming Online Class

My story was recently featured on VoyageATL. Please check it out along with many other stories about my fellow fabulous Atlantans of note. It’s wonderful when living and working “outside the box” has a location where we can all safely gather. About those mummies and their metal…It’s funny how often I’m asked how I became…

Bou jumping on the window ledge outside my studio and begging me to come play
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Not On the Air But Still Making a Noise

I sincerely hope you and the people you care most about are safe and well wherever you may be. There are lots of posts and newsletters going around acknowledging what a difficult time this is. I’d call it crazy, potentially terrifying, highly stressful, and chaotic for most people around the planet. But hey, I’m never…