Crafting an Artful Life: Imaginative Musings on Creativity

Giving Voice Soundtrack
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The Fleeting Sounds of Summer in Minor Pentatonic Chords

The following is a reboot of a post from 2012 with a surprise new ending. I have this super vivid and fairly recent memory of writing the original post in a moment of nostalgia at the old Octane Coffee shop in my neighborhood and was shocked to discover that I’d written it just over 7…

Ribbon Lace, Juno's Storms, Glistening Flame, and Majestic by Victoria Lansford
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Beauty, A Force for Good

I’ve been reading Alain de Botton and John Artmstrong’s book Art As Therapy, literally outlining how we could experience art to help us navigate life’s challenges and how we deal with them. Talk about revolutionary…The book’s basic idea is that, instead of museums offering sterile galleries organized as “French Impressionists” or “Italian Landscapes before 1600,”…