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Russian Filigree DVD


Learn Russian filigree from the master who began the revival.

Go from the basics of traditional Russian filigree (filigrana) to advanced, contemporary, and dimensional filigree forms, while making two styles of pendants, earrings, and two types of rings. Learn expert techniques for successful fabrication without frustration. Make your own perfectly milled and twisted filigree wire. Discover how to use different types of frame wire to create distinct looks and how to form elegant filler wires in different curves. Learn the secrets of nesting filler wires to achieve more interesting designs. Solder effectively with powdered solder to retain the elegant detail of the wirework. Creating filigree in both silver and gold is also explored.

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Streaming sold separately. This DVD will not play on an iPad. To stream or download this content, please purchase the Vimeo edition, found here. Both editions come with the same ebook (that contains text and images not videos).

5 different projects, creating 3D filigree, and many time saving tips & tricks

Purchase includes a downloadable and printable ebook (with still photos and text) to keep the corresponding directions and step-by-step photographs on your bench and a membership to online Q&A forum with Victoria

Approx. run time 2 hours 30 min.

Encoded for all regions

Need to download your printable ebook after purchasing the DVD? Go here.

To download or stream, click here to get the Vimeo edition of Russian Filigree instead!


I. Introduction and brief history of Russian Filigree

II. Materials and Safety

• Safety in the studio
• Forming the materials
• Choosing the correct materials for different types of projects

III. Processes and Projects

  1. Filigree Pendant: Learning the basic structure
  2. Filigree Earrings: Making multiples and curved pieces
  3. Large Filigree Bead: Building on the concepts, constructing three dimensional forms
  4. Filigree Band: Adding more construction options, combining delicacy and durability
  5. Gold Filigree Ring with Bezel Set Stone: Working with gold, exploring contemporary design options through an old world technique

IV. Tips and Tricks

Making headpins, attaching beads, setting bezels, and many other useful explanations are also accessible via this section, so that viewers can find them easily without searching back through the projects.

V. Printable PDF Book
Detailed instructions for easy reference in the studio, outlining and illustrating in high resolution photographs the steps for each project

VI. Gallery of Possibilities
A portfolio of contemporary Russian filigree pieces to inspire further project ideas with technical information of the pieces explained in the PDF.

Bonus Online Q&A Support Forum


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