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Linking Our Lineage Volume 1

Linking Our Lineage: 12 Techniques from 12 Master Smiths
An Instructional eBook featuring tutorials by the 2015 SNAG link Artists

Edited by Victoria Lansford

$12.99 All proceeds benefit SNAG

eBook sold only in the iBookstore. Click here to purchase.

Also available in print through Amazon: Hardcover $49.95, Softcover $34.95

Linking Our Lineage: 12 Techniques from 12 Master Smiths
An Instructional eBook featuring tutorials by the 2015 SNAG link Artists

All proceeds from the book benefit SNAG (Society of North American Goldsmiths). The contributors and editor have created this book as a fundraiser for the organization.

Linking Our Lineage ebook is now available in the iBooks Store on your iPad or Mac for $12.99. (Access the iBooks store through the iBooks app on your device.) SNAG will be releasing a print version of this book in 2016.

Linking Our Lineage is an ebook of jewelry and metalsmithing techniques with chapters by Nanz Aalund, Lessley Burke, Juan Carlos Caballero-Perez, Andy Cooperman, Ronda Coryell, Robin Gordon, Mary Lee Hu, Linda Kaye-Moses, Brian Meek, Dawn M. Miller, Chris Ploof, and Jayne Redman, and edited by Victoria Lansford. Each piece featured was part of the SNAG Links Project.

Table of Contents

1. Andy Cooperman – Welding and Forging
2. Jayne Redman- Forming Interlocking Multiples
3. Juan Carlos Caballero Perez – Photo Transfer
4. Lessley Burke- Cloisone on a Curved Surface
5. Linda Kaye-Moses- Die Forming Metal Clay
6. Robin Gordon- Dyeing Silk with Acid Dyes
7. Ronda Coryell- Granulation Beads with Argentium
8. Nanz Aalund- Filigree bead
9. Brian Meek- Po-Mok-Sang-Gaam: Damascene Gold Overlay
10. Mary Lee Hu – Basic Twining for Greater from Variation
11. Dawn M. Miller- Repousse and Chasing
12. Chris Ploof – Fabricating with Damascus Steel

The processes illustrated range from beginning to advanced and are presented with over 130 color photographs and 7 videos. The links created and written about by each artist were part of the 2015 SNAG Links project, a fundraiser for the Society of North American Goldsmiths. All proceeds from the book benefit SNAG.

This book is available for download with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Multi-touch books can be read with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Books with interactive features may work best on an iOS device. iBooks on your Mac requires OS X 10.9 or later.

See Linking Our Lineage Vol. II

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