
Bird at Zoo Atlanta with wide wingspan
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Welcome to My Worldwide Open Studio! – Friday, March 20 from 5:00-6:30pm EDT – Q&A, Demos, and More (Totally free!)

In this time of unprecedented anxiety and separation, I’d like to offer some worldwide togetherness and help. While I’m on lockdown and healthy, I’m opening up my studio via Zoom on Friday, March 20 at 5pm EDT. There will be time for some tech/design Q&A and a bit of camaraderie. I’ll also take requests for…

Bou jumping on the window ledge outside my studio and begging me to come play
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Not On the Air But Still Making a Noise

I sincerely hope you and the people you care most about are safe and well wherever you may be. There are lots of posts and newsletters going around acknowledging what a difficult time this is. I’d call it crazy, potentially terrifying, highly stressful, and chaotic for most people around the planet. But hey, I’m never…

Storms of Juno, Russian filigree cuff bracelet by Victoria Lansford
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Wearing the Universe on Your Wrist

Like the line, “The galaxy is on Orion’s Belt” from the movie Men in Black, it is, in fact, possible to wear the universe on your wrist. “Like wearing the universe on your wrist” is how Jane Milosch, founder and Director of the Provenance Research Initiative and juror for CraftForms 2019 described my Russian filigree…

Soul Cloud; photo by Pat Vasquez-Cunningham
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“I Never Could Get the Hang of Thursdays”*

Read to the end for some very good news! With half my readers being in the US, I feel the need, or perhaps the pressure, to say Happy Thanksgiving. While there are many things I am deeply grateful for, such as all of you very dear followers of my work(!), I have to admit this…