Eastern Repousse

Imagination Bodies Forth, Eastern repousse copper bound artist book with hand lettering (being shown by Victoria)
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Immortalizing Moments in Metal + Big Announcement

Highlights from the exhibition Radiant Echoes My retrospective Radiant Echoes showcases 100 unique works of art, which are approximately 10% of the total body of metalwork I’ve created since I began in 1989. Now that all the exhibition’s gallery rooms are open, this winter and spring I’d like to share a few of my favorite…

Tangle of Ties, Eastern repoussé brooch, commissioned by and based on a painting by Kevin Cole
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Pushing Beyond “Bumps on a Background” – What Changed My Repoussé

With repoussé, I always felt driven to take full advantage of the technique by making the relief appear intertwined and dimensional. However, like most artists practicing chasing and repoussé, I primarily first created what I now think of as “bumps on a background.” My intention is not to sound patronizing; some of the greatest repoussé…

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Relief in Nature and Nature in Relief

I recently celebrated another trip around the sun with a bit of time off. I know, shocker alert! I’m not one to leave the studio often. Now I’m back in the throes of my 35th anniversary retrospective happening this summer. Stay tuned for more! If you’ve followed my work for long, you’ll know that June…

Possible scabbard fittings from the Staffordshire Hoard, The potteries Museum and Art Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent, UK
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It’s Time To Celebrate!

2024 marks my 35th year as a professional metalsmith! To celebrate, I’m launching 2 huge projects! One is a retrospective of my artwork with insights and highlights about my most significant pieces from each year of my journey. This will be experienced both online and in print, so wherever you are, you’ll be able to…

Gold mount showing a bird catching a fish. It may have decorated a high-status saddle. The relief work, countersunk and plateaued areas of the legs (teardrop shapes), sharp ridges in the spirals, and chased textures were done with similar tools and the same steps I teach in Eastern repoussé.
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4000 miles, Millions of ideas, and Gallons of Tea

In an unprecedented move of playfulness and exploration, I flew to the UK in early December and delved into all things metal, mud, and fun. One of the better ‘Coronabonuses’ of the last 4 years was the many airline credits and thousands of points my husband and I had racked up in our limited travel…

Little Metal Foxes' Tool Tip Tuesdays - Victoria Lansford on Chasing & Repousse
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The Chasing & Repoussé Deep Dive

Tired of Christmas carols already? (Me too!) Get inspired with lots of my artwork and a bit of bragging on my Eastern repoussé students in this great conversation with Jennifer Stenhouse and Julia Lowther of Little Metal Foxes. On this episode of Tool Tip Tuesdays, we talk about my unique approach to teaching, the effectiveness…