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Rotating Bezel Ring Workshop – Online with Victoria Lansford, hosted by Pococsin Arts – Beginning July 24, 2023


What could be more fun than a ring that is also a toy?


In this workshop, participants will create a unique, kinetic ring with a rotating or reversible bezel, inspired by ancient Egyptian and Roman rings.

This fun course employs Victoria’s new ‘flipped’ online learning method. Gain access to the video demonstrations as soon as the course opens on July 24, then come together for the live Zoom sessions on Thursday, August 3 & 10 from 12 -1:30 pm ET to get help and get your questions answered after you’ve had time to try the projects and techniques. You can even get help in between live sessions via the course dashboard!


Register through Pocosin Arts 

Rings You Can Play With!

Sign up at Pocosin Arts

The desire to encircle the fingers with symbols of love, loyalty, and power is an ancient tradition dating back thousands of years. Whether they are mementos of commitment to another or to oneself, rings are the most personal and coveted of adornments.

What could be more fun than a ring that is also a toy? In this workshop, participants will create a unique, kinetic ring with a rotating or reversible bezel, inspired by ancient Egyptian and Roman rings. In antiquity these rings were used as seals or given as gifts to commemorate historic events. 

In addition to learning the fabrication process and mechanical construction for the moving parts, learn different surface design techniques and significantly up your soldering skills 

  • Forming and fabricating wire granulation for 3D structures
  • One-of-a-kind, reusable, intaglio roller printing plates to create your own roller printed patterns
  • Stone settings on textured surfaces
  • Shank twisting in the style of ancient Greek jewelry
  • Fusing and adjusting gold bezels
  • Soldering gold to silver without making a mess
What Others Have to Say

What makes Victoria’s Courses So Special

Rotating Bezel Ring by Judy Bruwer
Rotating Bezel Ring by Judy Bruwer

Achieve levels of skill that you didn’t know you had

Victoria’s workshops are presented in a clear and engaging manner that is both highly informative and entertaining. As students, our skill-set was dramatically improved during the course of a workshop. We were able to put the techniques we learned to immediate use, and made the cost of the workshop back on the first piece we sold.
John and Corliss Rose

In Japan, Victoria would be considered a national treasure…

Victoria teaches techniques used for millennia to create many of the great works of art one can see in museums. She has found many tricks that streamline and improve the processes, and she uses them to make strikingly contemporary pieces rooted in the ancient world.u003cbru003e Students are given a series of challenges and opportunities to grow their own inner voices and are encouraged to create works unique to them, at their levels of ability.u003cbru003eThe number of places one can learn these skills in the US can be counted conveniently on one’s thumbs. In Japan, Victoria would be considered a national treasure, and she would be funded to pass these skills on to the next generation.
Al Boyers

Expect a lot of ‘ah-HA!!’ moments will be had

You wont be disappointed with this class, and like me, I expect a lot of ‘ah-HA!!’ moments will be had! Enjoy!
Joan Geisler
Intaglio Style Roller Printing
Designing and Fabricating the Ring Top’s Parts

This course employs the new ‘flipped’ online learning method.

  • Work at your own pace with super detailed video demos.
  • Get your questions answered daily by Victoria via the classroom dashboard.
  • Come together for 2 live Q&A coaching sessions via Zoom. (scroll down for details & dates)
  • Relax, breathe, and learn with 6 weeks total access to all course content.
  • This is an intermediate level class. Students should have experience fabricating and soldering with a torch.

Gain access to the video demonstrations as soon as the course opens on July 24, then come together for the live Zoom sessions on Thursday, August 3 & 10 from 12 -1:30 pm ET to get help and get your questions answered after you’ve had time to try the projects and techniques. You can even get help in between live sessions via the course dashboard!

Registration is through Pocosin Arts.