On the Air Tonight, Thursday, June 18 (Really This Time)

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Our guest appearance on NPR affiliate, WCLK Jazz 91.9 is happening tonight, Thursday, June 18! Please listen in as my husband Chris’ and I share stories and connect community to help a really great cause.
What got postponed in person last March is now happening remotely as we talk with on air personality Deb Moore from 7-9pm EDT.
Click to Listen from anywhere in the world

As many of you know, music, particularly jazz has been a lifelong influence in all my artwork from my genre-busting and award winning book Giving Voice to wearable artwork like “Stardust on My Sleeve” and “Icy White and Crystalline,” my iconic Russian filigree cuff bracelets based on the lyrics of Ella Fitzgerald’s arrangement of “Midnight Sun” and “Kind of Blue” III inspired by Miles Davis’ groundbreaking album. This is my chance to give back and help keep alive an art form that literally keeps me going.
Now more than ever, this station has been an oasis of calm in a world turned upside down and violent. (I literally blew out my birthday candles last Sunday to Georgia State Patrol helicopters as they and the Atlanta Police Department tear gassed my neighbors five blocks away during a peaceful protest.)
It would mean a great deal to me to hear familiar names read on the air. Please help us ensure that Jazz 91.9 FM will continue to provide a musical haven around the world.