Giving Voice, Animated Edition Won an IPPY!!!
I’m thrilled to announce that my new book Giving Voice was awarded a Bronze Medal for Best eBook Design in the 2019 Independent Publisher Book Awards!!!
I’m thrilled to announce that my new book Giving Voice was awarded a Bronze Medal for Best eBook Design in the 2019 Independent Publisher Book Awards!!!
I recently stumbled upon this book by Maria Fabrizio and have to say I love it! I’d otherwise giving up on “how to be more creative in less time books” because they are so rarely aimed at independent studio artists. Books that are aimed at studio work make it look like other people are just…
I thought you might be interested in a touch of behind-the-scenes for Giving Voice. It has been such a marriage of ancient and digital processes! If, when I began the illuminated manuscript in 2013, I’d had any idea how much time I’d spend grinding mokume gane, how much software I’d have to learn, or how many…
A few weeks ago, Seth Godin wrote a keenly insightful post about Joni Mitchell’s album, Don Juan’s Reckless Daughter. That’s when I realized what I’d done in creating Giving Voice. I didn’t write the book peple wanted me to write next. I didn’t tell them how to make better earrings. I didn’t tell them how…
I am thrilled to announce that the multi-touch edition of Giving Voice is now available on Apple Books. Giving Voice is a multi-touch art book about the connections we form and how they can dramatically change our paths. The narrative traces the story of how the childhood gift of a board game came to ignite the…
Smell is the sense most strongly linked to memory. While I’ve always had a wildly accurate long term memory (I can remember my first birthday and party) my sense of smell has long been diminished by allergies. Maybe it’s my giving up and giving in and stopping all the benadryl and steroid sprays, but for…